WHY Respect Based Parenting?

Our Philosophy

Parenting questions are unending, aren’t they? Which formula should we use? How much sleep does our toddler need? When should we start potty training? What is the best daycare situation? How do I keep my child safe?

Often, in the myriad of questions we ask as parents, we overlook the most important question: “Who do I want my child to become?” Not, “What do I want my child to do, but who do I want my child to become?”

If we want to raise kind, generous children who find their place in this world, we must put the education of our children’s hearts as our highest priority.

If we want to raise children who are hard working, honest and self-disciplined, we must discipline with love and purpose.

If we want to raise children who have respect for others, we must teach our children how to esteem others and in so doing, gain respect for themselves.

Manners of the Heart provides parents with the guidance and tools needed to raise children who are respectful, engaged and grateful.

The Benefits of Creating a House of Respect

Children raised to respect themselves and others have the ability to see beyond themselves and become all they are meant to be. Children respond positively when given boundaries and disciplined with love. The family unit gains strength, and the individual members feel less isolated. The family members develop a true sense of self, understanding who they are, their shared values, and purpose in life.

A child whose heart is filled with the love of his parents doesn’t need to look in the world for his or her heart to be filled. The time spent together, which includes working on projects, discipline, listening, and words of affirmation fill your child’s heart. We gain a true sense of Joy and an increased appreciation and acceptance of others.


In this age of overindulgence and under parenting, Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World gives sound advice that will transform your family. With courage and conviction, Jill Rigby Garner debunks many of the conventional beliefs in child rearing, replacing them with the wisdom of experience.

Dr. Kevin Leman
Author of Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours

I feel like I just had blinders taken from my eyes. I now see why my relationship with my son is so damaged and his heart is so hard toward me. I have been harshly punishing him out of anger and fear, and not disciplining him with love.


I learned to keep calm and parent like a champ with character-centered parenting. I will begin to change the atmosphere in our household and create a character-centered home.


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